Sl.No. |
Name |
Download |
1. |
Rule18(4) KCS RULE 1960 |
2. |
D,A, COPY DATE06.10.2017 |
3. |
Implementation of Badavara Bandhu Scheme |
4. |
Regarding extension of period for subimmission of annual accounts for the year 2019-20 |
5. |
Regarding Postponement of Elections and Appointment of Administrators |
6. |
Regarding Conduct of Elections to Primary and Secondary Cooperative Societies falling after before 21.03.2020 |
7. |
Regarding Extension of dates under section 63 due to COVID 19 Lockdown |
8. |
Board of Management |
9. |
Holiday List 2021 |
10. |
Regarding Extension of date for conduct of GBM due to Covid 19 Pandemic |
11. |
Regarding Extension of date for conduct of GBM for the year 2020-21 and permission for conduct of GBM through Virtual mode |
12. |
Regarding providing permission for written examination and evaluation for recruitment in cooperative societies |
13. |
Implementation of Yashaswini Scheme- GO |
14. |
Implementation of Yashashwini scheme- Registration of members |