Sl.No. Name Download
1. Rule18(4) KCS RULE 1960
2. D,A, COPY DATE06.10.2017
3. Implementation of Badavara Bandhu Scheme
4. Regarding extension of period for subimmission of annual accounts for the year 2019-20
5. Regarding Postponement of Elections and Appointment of Administrators
6. Regarding Conduct of Elections to Primary and Secondary Cooperative Societies falling after before 21.03.2020
7. Regarding Extension of dates under section 63 due to COVID 19 Lockdown
8. Board of Management
9. Holiday List 2021
10. Regarding Extension of date for conduct of GBM due to Covid 19 Pandemic
11. Regarding Extension of date for conduct of GBM for the year 2020-21 and permission for conduct of GBM through Virtual mode
12. Regarding providing permission for written examination and evaluation for recruitment in cooperative societies
13. Implementation of Yashaswini Scheme- GO
14. Implementation of Yashashwini scheme- Registration of members